Elander Advokatbyrå represents clients in and outside court, and offers advice within the following areas and types of cases

Family Law
Family law is the part of the law that regulates the financial rights and obligations between family members. We are able to assist you both in the preparation of documents such as prenuptial agreements, cohabitation agreements, joint ownership agreements and deeds of gifts, and in disputes concerning division of property, maintenance to children and wife/husband as well as disputes regarding custody, residence and contact regarding children.
Deeds of gift
Marriage settlements
Maintenance allowances to spouse
Separation and divorce
Division of property due to separation or divorce
Division of marital property
Cohabitant agreements
Division of property between cohabitants
Division registrar assignments
Right to remain in family home
Custody, housing and access
Paternity issues
Maintenance payments for children
Unlawfully abducted and detained children

Succession law
Succession law is the part of the law that regulates how your legacy shall be distributed. We are able to assist you both in the preparation of wills and other documents and in disputes regarding estate administration and validity of wills or other documents as well as interpretation of wills and violation of legal inheritance portion and secondary succession.
Wills and testaments
Estate inventories
Distribution of an estate
Estate administrator assignments
Special estate distributor assignments

Property law
Property law is the part of the law that regulates the financial rights and obligations between two or more parties that are not covered by the family law. We are able to assist you both in the preparation of documents such as purchase contracts, lease agreements and shareholder agreements, as in disputes relating to claims or interpretation of documents.
Purchase contracts
Tenancy agreements
Promissory notes
Joint ownership agreements
Deeds of gift
Shareholder agreements